Generation of Security Token
All order notifications are required to be authorized by the seller.
To achieve this, the seller is required to generate the security token and then validate that the token sent within the request is equal to that which was generated. Where the tokens do not match during validation, then the request shall not be processed.
To generate the security token, the seller is required to follow the tasks below;
1: Log into your seller account
For staging : For Live :
2: Copy the Private Key and Public Key from the "API Keys" tab.
3: Create a string by concatenating public key & Private key with ":"
Public_Key => "b8kP7A1e67s0jc3h98T8pH71dq66J0s3"
Private_Key => "PKp6z3jTcLeQNc1h3u9e0ffX77NY91adE12"
4: Get Order Details
OrderId: 3021 `Order Id of the Atarapay System`
KoboAmount: 6051900 `Amount in Kobo`
5: Create the concatinating string using the delimeter String ==> Public_Key : Private_Key : OrderId : KoboAmount
String ==> "b8kP7A1e67s0jc3h98T8pH71dq66J0s3:PKp6z3jTcLeQNc1h3u9e0ffX77NY91adE12:3021:6051900"
6: Encode the concatenated string with base64 encoding to get token
Base64 encoded string: YjhrUDdBMWU2N3MwamMzaDk4VDhwSDcxZHE2NkowczM6UEtwNnozalRjTGVRTmMxaDN1OWUwZmZYNzdOWTkxYWRFMTI=