Calculation of Auth Token
All the APIs above require the authorization of the seller when requesting the operation using the Auth Token.
To calculate the Auth Token, Seller is required to follow the tasks below:
1: Log into your seller account
For staging : For Live :
2: Copy the Private Key and Public Key from the "API Keys" tab.
3: Create a string by concatenating public key & Private key with ":"
Public Key => "b8kP7A1e67s0jc3h98T8pH71dq66J0s3"
Private Key => "PKp6z3jTcLeQNc1h3u9e0ffX77NY91adE12"
String => b8kP7A1e67s0jc3h98T8pH71dq66J0s3:PKp6z3jTcLeQNc1h3u9e0ffX77NY91adE12
4: Encode the concatenated string with base64 encoding to get authtoken
Base64 encoded string: YjhrUDdBMWU2N3MwamMzaDk4VDhwSDcxZHE2NkowczM6UEtwNnozalRjTGVRTmMxaDN1OWUwZmZYNzdOWTkxYWRFMTI=